I'm a Ghost and can't do anything, HELP!
In the beginning of your journey on the server you arrive as a ghost, able to speak in chat but that's about it. Complete the tutorial and be sure to read all signs along the way and you'll find out what to do next. When the time comes and you're /ready you will be promoted to your new rank of settler and you can begin your journey here.
There are the rare times when you will be ready to finish the tutorial but no one with a higher rank is available to promote you. Those are usually in the wee early morning hours (we are a US hosted server) and in those occasions please post in the Citizen Registry section of the forums here: http://www.runic-paradise.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=19 and someone will be along to promote you as soon as possible.
What are the server rules?
The server rules can be found here: http://www.runic-paradise.com/info.php#rules
So I'm a settler, now what?
Once you've completed the tutorial and have been promoted you arrive at our spawn area. From here you can port to different biomes on our world, see our cities and player made cities, head to the games section of the server and visit player shops.
But the first thing we recommend is heading to Anchor's Deep and visiting the Job Center located in the Tree of Knowledge behind the fountain in front of you.
Read the signs and you'll learn how to choose your first job. Jobs will earn you Runics as you continue your journey here.
Once you've made level 25 in your current job you will return here to the job center and step into the Mastery Room to mark that job as mastered. Please note it can take a few minutes after hitting job level 25 for the room to work, so give it a few minutes and try again if the door doesn't open on your first try.
Once a job is mastered you can then safely leave that job and choose another. Head downstairs to see the second tier of jobs to get an idea of what you'd like to work towards in the future.
Do I have to live in a city or can I just build anywhere?
Once the tutorial is finished and you start your journey here the first steps are usually thinking about where to build your home base. You can choose to live in any of our cities or you can choose a biome portal at our spawn area and go explore the world. Choose any biome and any area that is not claimed to begin your home.
What does the world look like? How big is it?
To view our livemap head over here: http://play.runic-paradise.com:8123/ The image below is an example what you'll see when you first visit the livemap. This is a very useful tool ingame, you can connect with the chat in game as well as view players and the world around you.
In the Blue box in the middle of the map you can see the current time of day in game as well as the weather.
In the red box on the right you will see our current map areas. Be sure to select Runic Realm 1.8 to view the current world map.
In the green box on the left you will see the coordinates of your mouse. If you die in game and get coordinates to your grave site or if someone posts coordinates in game you can head to our map and narrow down the location.
How do I get back to the spawn area?
Simply use /spawn and you'll arrive back in the middle of our portal areas, in front you will see the biome portals and if you turn around you will find the games and shops area.
How do I see if an area is claimed?
To see if an area is already claimed use /region info.
How do I claim my land?
You can use /list to bring up a list of players currently in game and their ranks. Anyone with the rank of Architect or higher can claim land for you. You can simply ask them out loud in chat or send them a private message and they will come and help you claim an area.
It's helpful if you mark out the area you want to claim before hand so they can quickly claim it for you. Markers can be something as simple as small dirt pillars in the corners or you can mark out the whole area if you wish. They will also need to name the area so thinking of a name beforehand can help them do their job quickly and easily.
How do I set and use homes?
Visit this forum post for a short tutorial: http://www.runic-paradise.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=55
How do I lock my chests, doors and gates?
Visit this forum post for a short tutorial: http://www.runic-paradise.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=52
How do I add someone to my land?
/region addowner [regionname] [playername] - adds an owner to the region
/region removeowner [regionname] [playername] - removes an owner from the region
/region addmember [regionname] [playername] - adds a member to that region
/region removemember [regionname] [playername] - removes a member from that region
Staff! I need staff! Helllllpppp!
If you are in need of help you can simply ask in chat and someone will help as soon as possible. There are many times when you do not need an admin or mod to help and one of our higher ranked players can sort out the problem so don't be afraid of asking when you need help. Odds are the problem can be sorted out quickly and you can be back on your way in no time without the help of a mod or admin. Coastar says:And you can privately do /helpop(It notifies all staff on server)
You can also post in our forums if there isn't a higher rank on that can help. Our mods and admins frequent the forums often so they will see the problem and get in game to help as soon as possible. Please remember that our higher ranks and our mods and admins are people too. They like to enjoy the game as much as you so try to treat them with respect. They have names and feelings too [13]
My hoppers won't work! Things just won't go into the chests :cry:
Chances are it's one of two things wrong. The first thing to do is to make sure your hopper is connected to the chest. You can shift click it in the direction of the chest to get it to connect. Next make sure to use /chopper on and then click the chest to allow the hopper access to it. You will also need to do this if you have hoppers connecting to furnaces.
What is a soul and how do I get them?
Souls make sure that when you die you don't loose your items or levels. You receive 10 souls when you first join and you can earn more souls by voting for our server at the sites listed on our website : http://www.runic-paradise.com/vote.php or you can simply type /vote when in game for the voting links.
You can vote once per day at each of the five websites listed. You must be in game when you vote to get your rewards. For each vote you earn 1000 runics and 1 soul. So that means you can earn up to 5000 runics and 5 souls per day. As an extra bonus, each vote has a 2% chance to give you 3 extra souls.
How do I see how many souls I have?
Typing /rp ingame or /graves will show you how many souls you have available.
Oh Noes! I died and I don't have any souls!
First thing to do is breathe... in ... out... good. Your items are saved in a grave when you die. You have 12 hours to get back and safely retrieve your things. Only you can access the items in the first 12 hours, but after that time the grave is unlocked and anyone passing by can open it to retrieve the items inside. Your grave will be made from bedrock so no need to worry that a Ghast or other mob will break it. [26]
If you forget where you died typing /graves in game will give you a list of your latest gravesites, you can hover over the list for the coordinates.
What types of farms are allowed in game?
Pigmen, enderman, & iron golem are not allowed but all other farms are currently allowed in game. Spawners found around the world can not be moved so any farms will have to be built around their current location. Before building make sure to do /region info and see if anyone currently owns the area.
So now that I've been around for a bit, what are the next ranks and how do I get them?
Once you feel ready for a promotion or want to see what is required to promote to the next level you can type /rankup or /promote to see if you qualify for the next rank. For a list of the ranks and the commands they unlock check out Coastar's forum post here: http://www.runic-paradise.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=456
Below you will find the current requirements for each rank. (you can view this list anytime in game by using /ranks) You can work on saving up the money needed for higher promotions as well as killing creatures required to rank up at any time. Your kills count from the moment you join the server.
How do we start a shop to sell our things?
There are two ways you can sell items in game. The first is buying and selling through our server shop. You can get to this by using /shop. When browsing the shop you will see this screen:
Right under the Menu heading you see the categories of items you can buy and sell. The top row are items you can buy from the shop. Click the categories to bring up more items. The bottom row are items you can sell to the shop for a quick sale.
To start your own shop first design the area you would like. We recommend checking out other player shops to see how items are priced and how the stores are designed. You can reach the player shops by going to the /spawn. Simply turn around and you will see signs pointing you to the game and shop areas.
You will see a portal with a sign on the left and button on the right.
Just right click on the sign to scroll through the list of player owned shops. When you see one you want to visit just click the button and walk through the portal. If you accidentally click past a shop you can left click to go back in the list.
Once you have an idea of the current prices on items and how you want your store laid out you can begin.
To create a store you will need chests, signs and 1 redstone dust. Follow the steps below to get started:
1. Place a sign where you would like people to buy from. Make sure that it's in an area that players can reach. They will need to be able to click on it to purchase items. The sign needs to have the following :
⦁ Line 1: [Buy]
⦁ Line 2: Item Description
⦁ Line 3: Item description
⦁ Line 4: price per purchase
For example
2. Place your chest (This can be a single chest or a double chest.)
3. Place the amount of items you want to sell at once in the chest. For our example we are selling feathers in bundles of 5 so we need to place only a stack of 5 in the chest.
4. Now we have the 5 feathers in our chest and our sign saying that we sell 5 feathers for 5 runics. Now we need to use redstone to connect the chest to the sign. All you need is one piece of redstone.
Simply left click the chest with redstone dust in your hand and then click the sign with the redstone. When done correctly the [Buy] text on the sign will turn blue showing you that there are items for sale in the chest. Once sold out the [Buy] text will turn red.
5. Now you have shown the server how much you are selling and the price, now you can put as many stacks of the items you have in the chest to sell. For our example we have 10 stacks of feathers to sell so we go ahead and place all 10 in the chest and your shop will sell them in groups of 5 until they are sold out.
When browsing through player shops you can double check the item you are buying and the amount by left clicking on the sign. Our little shop shows us this when we click our sign:
If you'd like to buy the item simply right click to purchase. You can purchase more by clearing the item out of your hand and right clicking again with an empty hand.
The last step is to create a portal (just like a nether portal you will need 10 obsidian blocks but you won't light this one) Be sure to have the portal where you would like players to enter your shop and make sure you have a shop name in mind (shop names are limited to right around 11 characters so think of one that's short and to the point.) Once you have those things ready you will need a staff member to come and check over your shop. The requirements to have a shop is to have a minimum of 10 active signs that people can buy from (blue), and you can not be inactive for over a month (or your shop will be postponed and removed from the shop list) If you meet the store requirements anyone Protector ranked or higher (Guardian, Helper, Mod or Admin) can link your portal to the shop hub.
That's it! You're ready to adventure, buy, sell, and have fun. If you have any other questions please post them here or ask in game.
Happy Minecrafting!
[13] P.S. A big thank you to Rollie for helping me fill in the blanks! [13]