Constructing a texture pack

As this says I'm making a texture pack originally it was to give a texture to the runestones but that has proven to be more difficult then I thought and the easiest way I see would require what I cant do so this is the next best thing

moving on I'm slowly building this and thought it would be cool to let others help build it
all you have to do is put an image up and if I like it it will be added should It not already exist in the pack
the theme is realistic fantasy
it is required you use 16x16 the reasoning behind this is so more members would be able to use it smoothly

when one set is done (items,blocks,etc)
ill put it up here and update it as time goes on
Sounds like a great idea. I would love to see this finished :D
had a little change in theme while it is still going to stay realistic fantasy I'm adding a bit of sci-fi mainly to use the items from the paradise vendor in defiance as well as some things I find cool in the world (This is also so I can keep ideas flowing instead of being stuck cause I don't have anything to base an item on)

oh yea before I forget because of the fantasy/sci-fi themes I thought I would be cool to change the names of most of the items to give a twist (or just so I can justify plasma blades and stuff XD)


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