Ello guys, it's marcusteh1238 Here!

Jun 27, 2015
Hello guys, I'm Marcus and a 17 year old loser from Singapore. Singapore's a multi-racial island just below Malaysia, and mostly populated by Chinese people. It's a cool place to go to if you like the heat, and enjoy man-made attractions like theme parks.

At the time of me writing this, it's 1am and I have an exam at 8am which I didn't study for until 10 minutes ago. I'm screwed. Anyway, a bit more about me. I started playing Minecraft when it was 1.3, and watched Minecraft YouTubers like AntVenom and Captain Sparklez way before they hit their 500,000 subscribers mark, and quit just after 1.5.7 due to a server map reset, where I lost the "feel" MineCraft gave to me. Now, it feels good to be back with another fresh start, on a really good server.

I usually play Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and I'm ranked as a Master Guardian Elite, so don't expect to win me on PvP. If you would like to fight me, I'm always up for a challenge ;)
I would also like to point out that I'm taking my 'A' Levels in November, so I may pop in and out very infrequently, and study more often than I play. So don't expect to see me on a lot, but I'll definitely come on when I can!

That's all about me, and hope to see you guys on the server soon!
May 31, 2015
Welcome to the server Marcus. I know I've seen you in game already and have had a chance to say hello but wanted to post it here as well.

Good luck on the exam today [24] you got this. [49]


Staff member
Runic Admin
Nov 1, 2013
Hello and welcome! :)