Progress thus far has been going smoothly with the exception of the multiple breaks to collect stone, cobble and stone brick and buy it from others. (I must thank you for restocking it whenever possible) What you see now being the multiple lines is the elevated areas and the sandstone are where the pathways to each level will be located right now the stone count is roughly 384K
or in boss shop (which is where when desperate I've been buying from. Thankfully I've only had to do this a few times now seeing the total) totaled up to 230,400,000R if I had to buy all the stone so again I have to thank the people helping thus far and the wonderful store owners whom I've been a patron in the stone market towards so I did not have the spend such a high case you don't know just how screwed I would have been had I needed to pay it all Rollie the person with the highest balance right now has 56,931,967R.
So really when I say thank you for the help (you know who you are) I really mean this its been a long project that's just going to be getting harder from this point forward
Edit: (After talking to Deb about this I found out I did the math wrong XD and its at 7,125,000R however I am still thankful)