We have a dubtrack account for Runic Paradise! To get there just type /radio and follow the link.
- Have fun! That’s what you’re here for...
- Report any occurrences or disruptions that violate your right to enjoy your time on /radio
- Use any language towards another member that could be considered insulting, disrespectful, harassive, hateful, abusive, demeaning, or vulgar.
- Advertise, promote, or market any product or service, or recruit members for any purpose, unrelated to Runic Paradise.
- If someone downvotes ( Meh! ) Don’t complain.
- We all have different tastes for music. If you have problems with the music that is there (ie. you just don’t like it) leave and come back later.
- Do not go afk with a playlist. Stop your playlist if you are going to be afk.
- Do not Play Songs that are over 10 minutes long.