As soon as nerfminecrafter logged on he started asking about a sword. I asked him to stop we don't want to argue its over and so on. He continued and continued. He told me to f'n piss off and he called rollie a fu@k in mumble he also called rollie a fag in game chat. He hit me to make me bleed I did swing back he did not bleed. I asked him many times to stop. I asked momma to make him stop she musta been afk cause got no response ever. He continued to hit rollie and I. We were all having fun playing king of the hill for a long time. we all got along perfectly til he logged on and started the whole thing over again can u please talk to him this is over it needs to be over. I don't appreciate the cuss words on mumble or being called names in game thx k bye. [52]